Monday, November 06, 2006

Ousted Thai PM 'ready to stand trial on criminal charges'

BANGKOK AFP 06/11/2006 12:12

Deposed Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is ready to stand trial and defend himself against any criminal charges, his lawyer in Thailand said.

Coup leaders who ousted Thaksin on September 19 have justified the bloodless putsch by saying widespread corruption during Thaksin's five years in office had undermined democracy.

Noppadol said that Thaksin, who left his self-imposed exile in London and flew to China last week, might consider returning to Thailand once martial law is lifted.

"Thaksin has the right to defend himself in the court. He has prepared and is ready for that, even though no direct accusation has yet to be made against him. The matters are just allegations," Noppadol Pattama told АFР.

The billionaire businessman's trip to Beijing last week came amid swirling rumors that negotiations were underway to secure permission for his return to Thailand.

Local media reported Monday that security had been stepped up along the Thailand-Laos border amid further rumours that Thaksin may try and slip back into Thailand via the Golden Triangle.

However Noppadol dismissed such reports and said that Thaksin had no plans to return to the kingdom in the near future.

"He has no immediate plan or has even approached anyone here to come back to Thailand. He will consider returning when the situation has returned to normality," Noppadol said.

"Once the martial law is lifted, it is one indication that the situation here is back to normal. Then, the former premier is much more likely to return."

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, who was installed following the putsch, has said that martial law will be lifted as soon as security commanders are confident that no political movement against the new government remains.

But Thailand's junta said over the weekend that they had detected "secret cells" aiming to destabilize the post-coup political situation in the north, where Thaksin enjoys wide support, and was closely monitoring their political activities.

Thaksin was in New York at the time of the coup, and had since been living in self-imposed exile in London where he has a home.

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